Interior Design | Vacation Rental Design | Redesign
Our passion at Ginger Ayn Interiors is making your vacation rental shine above its competitors! Studies show professionally design spaces increase bookings and five-star reviews. We proudly serve Texas and New Mexico in-person, and the rest of the U.S. with our e-Design services.
Our mission at Ginger Ayn Interiors is to have clients that love us, love our designs and come back for more. We are client focused.
About Me.
It was the 1970’s when I remember watching my single grandmother run her real estate business in Lewisville, Texas. She was a Realtor and broker, my father a homebuilder and Realtor, and my mother a Realtor, all working out of the same white office building just off Stemmons Freeway. I loved watching them work, and sometimes even got to tag along when they showed houses and land to prospective clients. When my parents bought our house in Lake Dallas, it was the original farm house on many acres that were sold to a developer. I spent that decade watching homes pop up all over our neighborhood. As kids, we loved playing in these stick homes – 2x4 framed walls became our life-sized play houses. Some of my earliest memories are with my brother, sister, and neighborhood friends setting up schools, offices, shopping malls, and restaurants all within these stick walls and with a little imagination. Even at a very young age, I remember pondering how these homes would look finished, which rooms would be the bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchens based on the location of plumbing and windows. As each home was dried-in with locked doors and windows, we’d move on to the next one springing up. After-hours and on weekends, we’d scour the ground for left-behind nails, end cuts of lumber, and other discarded building supplies. It was with these materials that my brother built our tree house, where we spent many nights in sleeping bags lying under the stars. I was surrounded by the building process, and it fascinated me.
That’s why I dove into interior design, and most recently vacation rental design!
I am so excited that I can bring my 20+ years of experience to your project.
Client Raves
Houzz user
Ginger has a great eye for detail, I consider myself a detail person and she is so great to work with. She knows the products cleaning codes and the correlating fabrics that will work in any home. One of the things that stands out about Ginger is that she knows what it is like to make a home look great and also functional for your family.
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